Tuesday 25 September 2012

Making my first ravioli

Pumpkin ravioli it is!


Roasted pumpkin step
I needed a greater challenge in the kitchen.
I decided to try something new -  fresh pasta from scratch and using good & simple ingredients
I had no pasta maker.

My tools were: rolling pin and my hands.

I mixed:

water and
olive oil.

I decided on a simple filling: pumpkin and onions with garlic. I roasted my pumpkin first and fried the onion with garlic with a generous portion of butter.

It was not easy. I found working with semolina really hard. Ravioli looked lovely, so you can see for yourself. Perhaps, I made them a bit thick. The inside of my pasta was really yummy. The next batch will be made without semolina but with good quality flour instead.

I served it with a salad and sprinkled them with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

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