Saturday 3 November 2012

Burger for veggies

After so much exercise, fresh air and running around, everyone felt pretty hungry by 4.30 pm. West 14 -the bar next to our beach, smelt of barbecue.

So the Vegetarian Burger idea was reborn!

Trolley, my online supermarket, did not disappoint and my delivery man brought us sesame seeded buns and other yummy things.

I cooked sliced potatoes for home-made oven-baked fries.

I prepared grilled baby aubergines in olive oil, chestnut mushrooms, tomatoes, baby basil mozzarella and egg & flour coated courgettes.   
I am a big fan of Portabello mushrooms, but I could only get chestnut mushrooms which was good enough.

We had mayo, gherkins, wasabi, herbs and pepper on the side.

I could not forget fried onions, off course. I used the red type.

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