Wednesday 17 October 2012

Food for cold days


I will be back in the UK very shortly. I have shopped for a new stylish outfits here in Dubai to brighten-up grey autumn days.

Now it is a time for a plan how to keep my family & myself well in the cold, wet and sun-free climate.

I am looking for helping hand with Ayurwedic philosophy of eating. What does it mean?

We should eat accordingly to the climate we live in. So to ward off germs in wet and cold climates we should not for example eat as if we were Greeks who live in a hot weather. So, yogurt, fresh fruit and feta cheese are definitely not the way to go.

What am I going to eat this coming autumn-winter season?

I am going to eat foodstuff which will not create a moisture in my body. I aim to eat dishes and ingredients which will keep me dry & warm. It makes sense, doesn't it?

Here comes the list:

  1. Dry fruit, such as: raisins, apricots, prunes (maybe not too many) & nuts;
  2. Barley, buckwheat, rice, amaranth & similar products
  3. Soups
  4. Pumpkins, butternut squash, beetroot, cabbage, onions, apples,
  5. Oats, cereals,
We need to eat hot food, rich in spices, so here comes list no2:

  1. Cinnamon
  2. Ginger
  3. Garlic
  4. Marjoram
  5. Thyme
A good example of a winter meal could be anything stewed or baked. Rich in vegetables, buckwheat, dry fruit, cinnamon (has a warming properties) & ginger.

Perhaps I could start with a spicy pumpkin soup, then vegetable pilaf and finish with fruity apple crumble?

My favourite food are home-made Florentines made with pure ingredients, such as: almond flakes, raisins, sliced apricots, honey, flour and dark chocolate. Yummy and not bad for you.

Or I can have a favourite creation: spicy roasted vegetables with rice and impromptu baked banana with dark chocolate. (I could not resist whipped cream too:))

As you could see on the photo my daughter really enjoyed her supper!


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