Friday 12 October 2012

The best food is simple

I believe that healthy food can be simple to make.

There are few ideas for meals below that I havee made recently to suit most tastes.

1. Vegetable with noodles. I cooked diced baby aubergines, courgettes, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, grated carrots and herbs together until tender.

    I served them with cooked for 4 minutes with Waitrose egg noodles. Everyone enjoyed it.

2. Quick buckwheat with grated ginger, garlic, carrots and courgettes.
     I cooked 1 cup of buckwheat in 2 cups of organic vegetable & herb stock together together with  grated vegetables.

3.  Delicious sandwiches made from ciabatta bread, Brie, salmon, eggs, home-made chutney, figs and spinach.


4. On my menu every week there is also roasted pumpkin & salmon pasta with baby spinach.

5. Spinach & salmon quiches are not as complicated as you think. I make them crustless. I combine onions, butter, salmon, anchovies, peppers, tomatoes, grated cheese & milk in the pan. I bake them for about 15 minutes.
6. Simple mushroom risotto is one of our favourite dishes of the family.

7. Tortilla omelet with added courgettes and herbs.

8. My take on  Indian food. Aromatic vegetables & spices, healthy & delicious.

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